Gerald Hüther (born February 15, 1951 in Emleben) is a German
neurobiologist and author. He often gives talks to share his findings
from neurobiology at conferences like TED, but he said that he won't
give many more talks during his lifetime.He also took part on talk shows
like Markus Lanz and Precht. Hüther is also a co-initiator of the
initiative Schule im Aufbruch (school on the move).
Gerald Hüther was born on February 15, 1951 in Emleben, Thuringia,
Germany. According to his own statement, he "[...] ließ die Schule über
[sich] ergehen und hoffte, dass sie bald vorbeigehen würde [...]"
("[...] let the school endure [he] and hoped it would pass soon [...]").
He made his Abitur in 1969 with a grade average of 1.5 and studied
biology at the Universität Leipzig. In the late 1970s, he fled from East
Germany because it "[...] dort viel zu eng wurde [...]" ("[...] got too
tight for him there" [...]") by faking his visa. From 1979 to 1989 he
conducted research in the field of brain development at the Max Planck
Institute for Experimental Medicine in Göttingen. In 2016, he finished
his university career.He made over 150 original works. Hüther is the
initiator and director of the Akademie für Potenzialentfaltung (Academy
for developing potential). He is also an author and member of the
advisory board of the German online magazine Rubikon. Hüther has two
daughters and a son.
"Kein Mensch kann die in ihm angelegten Potentiale entfalten, wenn
er in seiner Würde von anderen verletzt wird oder er gar selbst
seine eigene Würde verletzt."
Translated into english: "No human
being can develop the potential inherent in him if his dignity is
violated by others or if he himself violates his own dignity."
"Ein guter Schulabschluss ist kein Indikator für Intelligenz,
sondern von guter Anpassungsfähigkeit."
Translated into english: "A good
school degree is not an indicator of intelligence, but of good
"Begeisterung ist Dünger für das Gehirn."
Translated into english: "Enthusiasm
is fertilizer for the brain."
"Das Leben besteht nicht darin, sich irgendwelche Konsumbedürfnisse
zu erfüllen"
Translated into english: "Life is not
about fulfilling any consumer needs".
"Eigentlich braucht jedes Kind drei Dinge: Es braucht Aufgaben, an
denen es wachsen kann, es braucht Vorbilder, an denen es sich
orientieren kann, und es braucht Gemeinschaften, in denen es sich
aufgehoben fühlt."
Translated into english: "Actually,
every child needs three things: they need tasks they can grow from,
they need role models they can look to for guidance, and they need
communities where they feel cared for."
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